Itzhak Beery, Founder of Shaman’s Portal. Itzhak is the  author of several acclaimed books on shamanism, including Ayahuasca Dreams, The Gift of Shamanism, and his recent anthology, Shamanic Transformations, in which he has gathered inspiring accounts from contemporary shamans describing their first moments of their spiritual epiphany. In conversation with Itzhak, he will describe the adversity he faced with depression and general malaise that led him to question his life, and finally discover his shamanic path. He’ll talk about a vision he had after taking ayahuasca that helped him recognize that advertisers and shamans were using similar methods to communicate with people’s emotions and he could choose to be on the side of spreading positive, healing energy. The path of his life led him to where he is now as a healer. He will discuss how simple it is to be present and connect with our “I AM” spiritual core through nature. He’ll explain how he does this every morning in the middle of an urban environment.

Itzhak teaches that shamanism leads us to our hearts. Humanity has universal needs. All people want to be loved, acknowledged for who they are, and feel safe. We all can contribute so this possibility may prevail in the future.

About Itzhak 

Itzhak Beery bridges many sacred indigenous traditions entrusted to him by elders with a relevant and essential present-day shamanic approach to living in our digital age. He empowers people around the world to reconnect to their innate shamanic gifts. He shares the conviction that we are all shamans and are able to interact and learn from the unseen and seen worlds, in order to live in balance with our communities, nature and ourselves. Itzhak was initiated into the Circle of 24 Yachaks by his Quechua teacher in the High Andes of Ecuador and in Brazil by Amazonian Kanamari Pagè. Itzhak Beery is the author of The Gift of Shamanism, Shamanic Transformations, Visionary Power, Ayahuasca Dreams, and Journeys to Other Realms. His work has been featured in a variety of worldwide publications including the NY Times, radio, TV and films. He is also the founder of, co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle, and is on the faculty of New York Open Center. His latest book, Shamanic Transformations, features stories by leading contemporary shamans. Find all of this AND MORE at

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