There are 3 levels of Awakening. An Awareness Awakening happens when you begin to notice the world does not revolve around you.


Once upon a time, I was driving with a friend in her grey 1969 Datsun convertible under a wind-tempered sun along the back roads of Route 20.  It was a perfect Central New York day for a top-down drive as the black-spotted dairy cows strolled ambled the fields.  As I peered up towards heaven, I experienced a Spontaneous Awakening.  Suddenly, a glimmering wind exploded in the center of my being and illuminated my consciousness.  In this moment I saw billowing clouds in the cerulean blue sky clearly. For the first time in my life I knew chances were good that I would never drink alcohol again. The winds dispersed the fog that had blinded my vision since birth. This Self-Awareness Awakening was so dramatic and profound that it created a lasting impression that began a twenty-five-year adventure of waking up; a move from being self-centered to service driven. Becoming self-aware is the first step to waking up.  Perception of one’s essential self opens the door to a Spiritual Awakening. here are 3 levels of Awakening. An Awareness Awakening happens when you begin to notice the world does not revolve around you. As we continue to build our spiritual capacity, we create space for a Radical Awakening.

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