Become Positively Present to Achieve Your Goals using WindWork™
The Awakening Compass is your Internal GPS. Once aligned, you can easily achieve you Goals, exude Positivity wherever you go, and Surpass your vision and Inspire yourself on a daily basis by striving to outshine your previous accomplishments.
Staying present in your life requires a GPS tracking system that can be developed and finely honed over time. Google Earth cars constantly roam the streets of earth with their cameras in order to update and improve Google Maps. In order to experience a more positivity present in your life, you must likewise fine-tune your own GPS on a daily basis.
Each day, you must be clear about your precise GOAL. What do you want to achieve? The higher you aim, the greater your chances are for success. Becoming POSITIVE. Once you determine what it is you want to accomplish, align every fiber of your being with your goal. Replace limiting self-talk with affirming statements. SURPASS your vision. Inspire yourself on a daily basis by striving to outshine your previous accomplishments.
Presence—or becoming more aligned with the fullness of our inner wind and our purpose for being—is a lifelong journey. WindWork® can help you navigate the energy forces in your life. Our greatest gifts can arrive along with a thunderous squall that pushes us off the course of our plans and expectations. Change can be initiated by a gentle breeze nudging us in a new direction. As we make our way through life, we also contend with patterns related to seasons and other natural cycles, including archetypal influences that are wind deities from different ancient and indigenous cultures. Once aligned to our magnetic north, which is a relatively constant dynamic force, yet not anchored inflexibly in place, we can navigate life effectively using our GPS, no matter what type of wind intersects our position.
Renee Baribeau, “The Practical Shaman.” is an alchemist. She compassionate and wise mentor. Renee teaches you how to use WindWork® and the Awakening Compass® to successfully navigate through life no matter which way the winds are blowing. Prepare yourself for a positive, uplifting, and empowering life changing experience. She is currently working on a body of work called Winds of Spirit.
She is a contributing author to, Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now! with New York Times bestselling author Jack Canfield. Renee has also been featured in, The Five Principles of Everything
Friday, September 9, 2016 at 11am
Saturday, September 10,2016 9:30 am